100 % genuine – received directly from customers who have used Matula Tea
Testimonials and reviews can be very convincing and more often than not, companies flagrantly use false or ‘sales-engineered’ reviews to make their products look so good that you just can’t resist buying them.
Well, we are not like that. Because Matula Tea is clinically and scientifically proven to work, and because we offer a Money Back Guarantee – there is no good reason for us to post any false information in the way of reviews or testimonials.
If you haven’t seen this endorsement before, take a minute to read the endorsement of world-renowned Immunologist Professor Patrick JD Bouic Ph.D in conjunction with the results of the clinical tests on Matula Tea – and see why Matula Tea stands out from the rest!
FTC REGULATION: We are required to tell you about anyone who receives payment or commission from us. We certify that not one of the people below has received any payment or any other form of remuneration from us for submitting their testimonials.
*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.
“My HpSA was negative! Thank you.”*
The tea worked and your support was also crucial. I added the psyllium and probiotic and seemed to get immediate benefit in terms of having more formed stool. Can’t thank you all enough! And, just to clarify, I’d done a more expensive, and much more difficult, kill regimen last September which only slightly reduced my H. Pylori count (it was still very high). So that’s why I was doubtful the Matula Tea would work for me, but it did! Thanks again!
Barbara W
USA“I am so thrilled that this tea actually worked”*
I am so thrilled that this tea actually worked. I followed the regimen religiously though I was in Hawaii for 15 days during part of the course. The bubbly acidic saliva is gone, gurgling and bloating, gone. What a relief! The worst part for me was that I felt compelled to tell anyone I was cooking for that I had a contagious condition. I was in Hawaii with family members and I worried the whole time that they could get this. Now I can relax around others again.
USA“[after] ten treatments with antibiotics…Matula Tea has proved to be a real winner..”*
I have been suffering very badly from H.Pylori infection for the last five years. I had ten treatments with antibiotics during this time, without any success. Every time I had a breath test it came back positive. I was getting so desperate about my health that I even changed my doctors several times. I finally searched the Internet and found Matula Tea. I am very pleased to tell you that Matula Tea has proved to be a real winner and it has given me back my health again. A month after I completed the treatment, I did the H.Pylori stool antigen test and it came back negative. I was so happy- I couldn’t believe it. I feel duty-bound to let other people know about Matula Tea and how it has worked for me. What I found great about Matula Tea is that I didn’t suffer any side effects as I did with all the other treatments. I hope that all you people that are suffering, just like I did, will find my story beneficial to your future health.
Walter K
USA“…my test results came back negative..”*
I thank God first and also thank you for this tea I’ve been battling with HP Pylori bacteria for the past 3 years did four rounds of antibiotics two at a time and nothing cure it until I started looking on the internet for a cure for this bacteria and saw this page. I did it for one month twice a day morning and night. I’m happy to say that my test results came back negative. Glory be to God.
USA“…told I had antibiotic-resistant H.Pylori… now H.Pylori free!!..”*
*Following two courses of triple therapy antibiotics, and one quadruple therapy course, and then being told I had antibiotic-resistant H.Pylori, I resigned myself to living with it. When I heard about Matula Tea, I figured I had nothing to lose, as they offer a money-back guarantee. The tea was pleasant tasting, and the frequent email updates and information from the Matula Team were very helpful. I am now H. pylori free!! If I’d known about Matula Tea beforehand, I definitely would have tried it before going down the antibiotic route.
V Hess
New Zealand“…he feels like a million dollars after battling for months..”*
I have been taking the Matula Tea for my IBS for quite a while and it has helped me so much. A very good friend of mine got very sick a couple of months ago with viral pneumonia, leading to septicemia of the stomach, which made him very ill. I then gave him some of my Matula Tea as he was also battling with IBS, like myself. I called him yesterday and could not believe the difference in him. He is sleeping better, feels like a million dollars after battling for months and I feel so good because I gave him some of my Matula Tea. He now wants to purchase a box of tea right away.
RSA“…took the test and not infected ..”*
*Thank you for this amazing tea! The tea treatment eradicated my 7-year-old son’s infection and also mine. He only took the tea (I couldn’t hear to put him on those awful drugs) and I took 8 days of antibiotics that completely messed up my body, plus the tea that really healed me. I ended up having a pretty bad allergic reaction to the antibiotics. Just got the call from our pediatrician that he still isn’t infected and it’s been 3 months since his treatment. I have been telling everyone about the tea. I also took the test and was also not infected. Thank you again, I am so grateful.*
USA“After taking your tea for about 2 weeks the pain was gone ..”*
When a friend told me about your herbal tea, I was very skeptical. I thought to myself: what can an herbal tea do which cannot be done by modern medicine. I had at that time suffered from a perforated ulcer for 2-3 years, had been on a number of treatments, several of which were antibiotics. Nothing gave lasting relief, in a short while the pain was back again. After taking your tea for about 2 weeks the pain was gone and after a further 2 weeks, I felt really great. This is now a couple of years ago and the ulcer has not returned. I thank you very much for your help in fighting this illness.*
Mr K.M.M.
George, SA“For 8 years I have had to take Prilosec every other day…* ..”*
I’m 33 years old and 8 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD via and upper GI. For the past 8 years, I have had to take Prilosec every other day. If I missed one dose I would be in a lot of pain. A year ago I tried to stop taking Prilosec and just tried to take a Pepcid with each meal but after one week my heartburn was so bad I needed to go back on the Prilosec.*
Frustrated from needing a pill to be normal, I came across your website and decided to take a risk of buying this crazy tea from South Africa. I used as directed and really didn’t even change my diet.*
After one week of the Matula Tea my stomach felt like I was eighteen again and I was finally able to stop taking the Prilosec. My heartburn went away and since then I have still not taken one Prilosec. It has been 30 days since I stopped drinking the tea and I still have not taken One Prilosec. This is truly remarkable for me and never in 8 years have I felt so good. I am so thankful that I bought this tea. It really works!*
Dave B
United States“…my H. pylori bacteria is gone, my Barret Syndrome is gone, as well as my acid reflux“*
*I had stomach pain for over two years. My doctor denied that I had the H.Pylori infection and didn’t do the test. Then I got Acid Reflux really bad. Took two Prevacid and two Carafat each day. A biopsy at an Endoscopy found the H. Pylori bacteria in my stomach and Barret Syndrome 1st. stage. I took the pills for 9 months and had a lot of side effects. A specialist told me “ millions of people live with this and take the pills every day. This is nothing”.
I started the Matula Tea and had no side effects. After 2 weeks I reduced my medication, after 3 weeks I stopped taking the pills. I emailed Matula customer support service and asked for advice. I was told to take these other remedies with the tea ( Slippery Elm, L-Glutamine and Betain). It worked for me. I had an Endoscopy two months ago, my H. pylori bacteria is gone, my Barret Syndrome is gone, as well as my acid reflux. If I should get acid reflux or the bacteria again, I will take the tea again.*
Il, USA“..h pylori was gone and everything was back to normal ..”*
*The Matula Tea that I ordered was a success, it was for my Mom she had been in treatment since March and had very little change since she began treatment. After finishing with the Matula Tea she went for her usual exams and she was given great news, her pylori was gone and everything was back to normal.
It was a desperate measure on my part to look online for something natural because the doctor was giving too much strong medication to my Mom who is 72 yrs and she was getting tired of too much medication. Now thanks to this Matula Tea some of our friends suffering from the same h. pylori were waiting for my Mom’s exams to see if it was going to be OK so they could order the Matula Tea. Expect some orders from my friends now. Thanks again.*
Fernando Vargas
USA“…lab test results were negative! Hooray!“*
*H-Pylori was a horrible thing to get, and when I was diagnosed with it most “solutions” I found online were unacceptable to me. Plus no one, not even doctors, would guarantee their solutions… until I found your site. I thoroughly checked you out. I have to say the fact of your hospital research affiliations and your 100% guarantee won me over, and I’m so glad I gave you a chance! Because I knew how serious my condition was, when I got the tea I followed all of your instructions (to the letter). After drinking the tea in this way for 30 days, and then waiting the additional 30 days before doing the re-testing (as you recommended) I was just on the edge of my seat waiting for the new lab results.
That’s when I got your follow-up email, wondering how the tea worked for me. That impressed me! Here was an organization that really believed in their product and CARED about each of their customers getting the proper, guaranteed results. At the time I hadn’t gotten the results yet, but I knew I felt cured. Then I just got my lab test results today, and they were negative! Hooray! I only have great things to say about your company and its professionalism. I really am so glad it worked. Thank you very much for your wonderful product, and thank you as well for the fact that you really care about your customer’s results!*
Mrs C. L.
United States“…horrified but not surprised..”*
*I actually purchased the tea for my 31-year-old daughter who was experiencing horrendous “stomach” pain and who, six weeks ago, tested at very high levels of H. Pylori. She was tested a couple of days ago and tested negative for H. Pylori. The doctor said that it was impossible to kill H. Pylori with anything other than MEGA antibiotics but I begged her to try the Matula tea first because I am so opposed to the overuse of antibiotics. The doctor did not want to re-test because she did not believe that there would be any difference from just using the tea. When the tests came back negative the doctor said absolutely nothing – she did not ask what the tea was or where my daughter got it from, etc. I am horrified but not surprised that medical people do not want to gather information and share it with their patients. Thank you for the tea. I am thankful that H.Pylori will not cause any future problems for my daughter.*
Pamela B
USA“Matula worked for my 80-year-old father!”*
Hello, all! My name is Tracy B., and I HAVE to take this time out to express my gratitude and experience with Matula tea.*
Nearly a year ago, my elderly father began to experience symptoms that we hadn’t yet understood, and he dealt with them for a long while before being diagnosed with h. pylori; and by that time, it had gotten really bad, and the parasite was very strong. He could not eat, and became progressively weak, and was told by his doctor that he would need to take two different antibiotics to get rid of it.*
Unfortunately (and maybe fortunately), he was not able to tolerate the antibiotics and stopped taking them after 2-3 days, against his doctor’s wishes. We didn’t know what to do, and he continued to get progressively worse, and could barely even stomach meal supplement drinks.*
Low and behold, after about a month of researching, I found Matula tea. I did not order it right away, as I had found cheaper products that were designed to treat h. pylori and I tried them first–mainly mastic gum–but they did nothing.*
We did seem to make some progress using baking soda and water, but it quickly seemed to have “come back”, and with a vengeance. So finally, I went back to the Ulcer-Cure.com website, watched some videos on YouTube, and ordered it. This was some time in March of this year (2014) that he began to use it, and it was SOOOOOOO easy to use. Just open a sachet, and drop it in the required amount of boiled water, steep and drink. THAT simple.*
And as of my father’s last office visit, a few days ago, he is h. pylori free!! And the doctors were baffled, knowing that he had refused to take his antibiotics, as they kill good bacteria, too! The only other thing that he took was a good probiotic, but we only bought one bottle of that throughout the whole course of taking the Matula tea, and he had finished that halfway through.*
So LONG story, short… If you or a loved one has h. pylori, please try Matula tea. It is BEYOND worth the price, and far cheaper than the combination of everything else we had tried. It worked for my 80-year-old father, and I wish the same for you all.*
Peace & Blessings*
Tracy B
Los Angeles, California“…three weeks of no Prilosec…an absolute record.“*
It is almost 2 weeks since I finished my treatment with Matula tea. I can only say it worked for me. I did not have my stool test because the main criteria for me was to stay away from NEXIUM. Believe me, it was hard, I was on the NEXIUM and PRILOSEC for 4-5 years. All my brave tries to stop taking this “nice medicine” did not have success. It used to take 3-4 days after no medicine diet and I was becoming mad. The stomach had such a sharp pain… Especially during the night. It was like circles. I understood that this was wrong for me but I could not stop because it was so painful. This time I have tried to stop taking NEXIUM after 3 days of taking MATULA. It did not work. But I decided to reduce the dose. 1 pill (40 mg) no more. I used to take 2 pills per day. After 3 weeks of MATULA + OMEGA 3 + Chlorella and one pill per day, I was feeling better and so I stopped taking this pump inhibitor (NEXIUM). In the beginning, my body did not understand what was going on. It is a really strange feeling. I think this is like when you stop smoking. Then, in one week, I have tried to drink half a cup of fresh orange juice. (I could not drink this juice without consecutive pain). It was the real test. Nothing. I was smiling. It works. Now, I have three weeks of no Prilosec life. This is an absolute record. I can tell you more I have tried some Vodka. Nothing.:) Even in case, I resume this medicine I can say thank you. I was living without diarrhea for so long time. I have more power and started my exercises. I am really, really in good mood !*
Victor B
“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart ..”*
I have taken the last test to get the results to see if the Matula Tea did clear H PYLORI from my body……WOW, ON MAY 29, 2009, I TOOK THE TEST (HPSA) AND THIS TEST CAME BACK NEGATIVE. The best news that I had was this day. I followed your directions and got some amazing results….!!!!!! I took Matula Tea for one month, per your directions, waited for another month, and then I went and had this HPSA test and the H pylori came back negative. I did not do anything different other than take this Matula Tea, I know that this Matula Tea works, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for assisting me in this process. Had I not found you on the internet, my body would not be healed from the H. pylori, and probably would be sicker with the illness!! I will not take traditional medicine, so I probably would have died if you had not been on the internet with this powerful information. Again thank you again many times over for assisting me with the Matula Tea*
Linda P
USA“Told by Doctor there was No Cure….“*
In 2006, after suffering what he thought was heartburn and acid reflux for months and months, my husband Neil developed an extremely foul odor that seemed to come from deep inside his throat. What was most concerning to us was that it smelled like old or rotted blood. We were worried! We saw a Gastroenterologist who immediately ordered an endoscopy.
After the procedure, the doctor approached me with a very concerned look on his face. He showed me photographs of my husband’s esophagus – black spots and ulcers covered a large part of his esophagus.*
My heart was in my throat when the doctor said that my husband had Barret’s Disease, a pre-cancerous condition of the esophagus. He told us that there was no cure, but that Neil could treat the symptoms with medication and a modification of his diet; he went on to say that hopefully, that would keep cancer at bay, along with the array of symptoms he was suffering.*
…there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope…*
We filled the expensive prescription and my husband made peace with the idea of taking it for the rest of his life. I was not satisfied with that and decided to do a little research on what causes ulcers. I learned about the H-pylori virus and how it does not respond to antibiotic treatment. I was beginning to lose hope when there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope … a tea found only in Africa.*
But it seemed too good to be true….*
Wild and extraordinary claims were made about this tea and its miraculous results. At first, it seemed too good to be true. Drink this stuff called Matula tea two times a day and you kill the virus responsible for many of the problems Neil had, so, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, we decided to give it a try.*
…he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed…*
For one month Neil drank the tea religiously and ate a reasonable diet. It should be noted that during this “experiment” he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed – the Matula tea we ordered would be his only course of care*
The condition of Neil’s esophagus was so serious that at the time of his first endoscopy, the doctor ordered a follow-up endoscopy to determine whether Neil’s condition was getting worse and would require any kind of surgical intervention. We strategically scheduled the follow-up endoscopy so that it would take place within days of Neil’s completion of his “30-day Matula Tea Treatment.”*
…his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it…*
Approximately six weeks later, and with a pronounced sense of worry, and a doom and gloom prognosis possibly hanging in the balance. Neil was sedated and taken in for his second endoscopy. It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it. I waited nervously, but this time I waited with a sense of hope and curiosity.*
Now…there was nothing to find!*
Within an hour, I was ushered back to see my groggy husband, soon after that, the doctor appeared. Dr. S. had a puzzled look on his face and was clearly a little bewildered and befuddled as he announced that when they went in to explore my husband’s throat and check on the status of the bleeding and ulcers – there was nothing to find!*
…as clean and new as the day he was born…*
He went on to say that, not only was there no sign of black spots, ulcers, or bleedings, but that Neil’s esophagus was as pink and healthy as a newborn baby’s. Yes, believe it or not, it was as clean and new as the day he was born! I gushed with pride, relief, and amazement. It was a miracle, and lucky for us, we had the photographs to prove it. We told the doctor about Matula Tea and since then, we tell everyone we know who complains about acid reflux, ulcers, or worse yet, Barret’s disease, that they need to give this tea a try and see what it will do for them.*
…you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life..*
As for us, we are eternally grateful and want to send a deeply felt thank you to the good people who manufacture Matula Tea – you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life. We now do a Matula Tea cleanse once a year as maintenance, in order to kill off any of the virus that finds its way into our system through the food we eat and the polluted water we all drink.*
We’re enjoying good health and wonderful life, and we owe much of that to Matula Tea, so thank you again!*
Neil & Leea Winter
Dunedin, FL USAOR…
“Your tea is amazing. ..”*
Just like to say thank you. After 18 months of despair, I found Matula tea. No more cramps, no more vomiting, no more depression. Your tea is amazing. Thank you.*
Tracy H
UK“..NO bacteria, NO fungus, and I feel great ..”*
I was diagnosed with H.Pylori bacteria and had fungus in my esophagus, I thought my life was over. I was miserable, anything I would eat I would feel bloated and sick to my stomach. I have been trying to find something that would help me, I strongly believe in herbs and I found out about Matula Herbal tea. It was quite expensive but I thought I will give it a try and if nothing happens I will get my money back, I followed the instructions and watched my diet very carefully. I was retested about a week ago and found out that I now have NO bacteria, NO fungus and I feel great. I would recommend this tea to anyone who wants to be healthy again.*
Sierra T
Kansas, USA“…I feel so much better ..”*
Thank you for the parcel with Matula Tea which I received in the post. For years I have had problems with a spastic colon, and continuous lower abdomen pain, especially after meals, or at very stressful times. So when I was first introduced to Matula I was rather a skeptic, as I had tried so many other medications. With regular use of Matula Tea, I feel so much better. Not only is the spastic colon pain something of the past, but I sleep better, and I can eat foods that before had caused gastric discomfort. When recently I had run out of Matula Tea, I realized after just a few days how important it is to drink this herbal tea regularly. I can recommend this product for those who have suffered from spastic colon problems and can assure them that indeed it will be the best decision they can make to take control of their future well-being.*
Helen O
Paarl, RSA“I had great results from your tea!*..”*
I haI would love to share my experience. I am a pharmacist and was prescribed Quad therapy. Knowing how awful the side effects can be I tried Matula tea. I also incorporated probiotics, included Manuka honey periodically, and increased my fiber intake. A month after stopping the tea I took a stool antigen test. The results were negative for h-pylori. I am very happy! I highly recommend your tea. Thank you*ve
Louis T
Middletown CT, United States“…results for H. Pylori were negative..”*
I did have the HpSA test performed and the results for H. Pylori were negative. Thank you for this wonderful tea. I really appreciate that I didn’t have to take drugs to treat this problem. The tea tastes good too.*
Laura K
USA“…thank you for such a great product..”*
*I took a course of Matula Tea in September. I didn’t have a re-test to see if I still had h.pylori, because I know, that I know, that I have not got it any more. I am writing to thank you for such a great product. Another skin condition that I had has also improved.*
Freda H
Derbyshire UK“…after 8 to 10 days I did feel very much better..”*
Pain and discomfort were always with me. It did help me for a short while, then bang – back to where I started. Through a friend, I heard about your Matula Tea and you kindly sent me a month’s supply. I started the treatment right away and after 8 to 10 days I did feel very much better and at the end of the treatment, I felt 100%. This is now approx. two years ago and I am not on any stomach medication whatsoever. Your treatment really worked. Thank you.*
Mr D.G.
Mossel Bay, SA“…16 months later, I have no pain and discomfort ..”*
*I have suffered from ulcers for a number of years. The doctors diagnosed it as peptic ulcers, but also said that I suffered from acid reflux, a condition whereby the stomach acid passes through the esophagus up to the throat when lying down. It is very uncomfortable and also causes throat infections. I have been on quite a number of different antibiotics over the years, they seem to help for a short while, but then pain and discomfort are back again. Last year, I heard about your Matula Tea remedy and obtained a treatment course. I completed the course and felt fine and now some 16 months later, I have no pain and discomfort. Thank you very much.*
Derek B
Johannesburg SA“…this was a miracle for me ..”*
I had suffered for 6 months with a sharp pain beneath my sternum every time I ate. I was in pain every day no matter what or how much or little I ate.*
I started to take Prilosec. It offered sporadic and limited relief. The pain increased and I began to miss work. I did not have any health insurance and did not want to go on antibiotics that cause more problems and are worse than the illness.*
On Christmas Day 2008, I began to search the internet for help. I stumbled across this special herbal tea. It was expensive, but I was in much pain so I took a gamble. After 3 days of drinking the Matula Tea as well as some probiotics, I began to feel relief.*
I haven’t taken a single Prilosec since then and can now eat whatever, whenever I want as long as I drink the Matula as prescribed. This was a miracle for me. I do not worry about missing work or being doubled over in pain.*
Thank you for this product!!! May God bless your efforts to help others!*
Jaci P
United States“…feeling strong and healthy again ..”*
I was diagnosed with H. pylori and a stomach ulcer this past September. I found your website and ordered Matula tea as soon as I read the information on the site. I am happy to tell you that I just got the results from my Stool Antigen test and it was negative. I want to thank you again and again for helping to restore me back to health. I am now juicing cabbage and carrots to help heal the ulcer. I’ll have an endoscopy in a couple of weeks to see how that is coming along. I am sure I am on the mend. Thank you again for this wonderful product. I did not have to take the massive amounts of antibiotics my Doctor prescribed. He had me take them last year when he found the H. pylori the first time and they didn’t work. It was a nightmare of a treatment and it still didn’t work. That is why I developed an ulcer this year. I am feeling strong and healthy again!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.*
Elizabeth Lanza
USA“Just wish I had found it earlier, I would have saved a lot of money..”*
I had 3 treatments from different doctors and they didn’t know what was wrong with me. Then I went to a natural therapist for treatment for the last year. For the last year I have been taking different natural remedies, it made a huge improvement but took a lot longer than the natural therapist thought. I have never been tested for H.pylori, as no one ever told me about it, but I have all the symptoms, I only found out about it after finding your website after much desperation to be well again. I finished your tea 2 months ago and have been really well. Just so you know it tasted great, very easy to take. Thank you very much. Just wish I had found it earlier, I would have saved a lot of money.*
Sally H
New Zealand“…so much better than the dreaded antibiotics ..”*
I am delighted to say the result of my HpSA test was negative. I noticed while I was taking the Matula for the month of Dec/January that I did not wake up once in the night. I would love to know what that ingredient was that gave me such wonderful sleep. I usually wake up around 3-3/30 AM and can’t get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours. Some of my friends were very skeptical and some were downright scoffing. I am really enjoying telling them the results. Drinking the tea was certainly no problem at all and so much better than the dreaded antibiotics. Thank you again.*
Rebecca A
Canada“…doctor was amazed, how well the ulcers had healed ..”*
In September, last year I was hospitalized for two days with a bleeding ulcer. I was given antibiotics for a 6 weeks period. At the end of the period, the treatment was extended for a further 6 weeks. I then obtained a Matula treatment course from you. After the completion of the Matula tea course, I felt very much better and returned to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor was amazed, how well the ulcers had healed and said he could not even see traces of them. He said no further treatment was necessary. I am feeling very well now and not on any medication. Many thanks to you for helping me. Please send me another treatment course, which I will keep for “just in case”.*
Mr G Owen
East London“…all pain was gone and I felt so much better ..”*
During the year 1999, my ulcer was getting real bad. I was in constant pain and was consuming large quantities of Antacids. It was difficult and sometimes impossible for me to carry on with my work. Then I heard about this Ulcer remedy and obtained a one-month treatment. On receipt, I started to take it immediately and already after the first week did I feel much better. At the end of the treatment all pain was gone and I felt so much better. I have never needed to take it again.*
Mrs Dot F.
Norway“…the pain completely disappeared and till this day has not returned..”*
I wish to thank you for letting me try out your wonderful herbal tea. For years I suffered from heartburn, so-called reflux, and a very nasty pain in my stomach. The doctors treated me over the years with all sorts of medications, of which some were antibiotics, but the pain and discomfort always returned after a while. After drinking your tea for a couple of weeks, I suddenly did not have the pain any longer. I carried on with the treatment for a month and the pain completely disappeared and till this day has not returned. I feel like a new person. Thank you so much*
Cape Town SAAre you ready to get rid of H. pylori safely – without any nasty side effects?
The proven cause of 80 – 90% of all types of stomach ulcers is H. pylori – a hardy bacteria which has become resistant to the most commonly prescribed treatments already.
We hope that you have already figured out why most doctors are not telling you all the facts about H. pylori treatments. We also hope that what you are about to discover here will help you to avoid taking any treatment that may not work for you.
Matula Tea™ is all you need… guaranteed!
The best news is that all-natural Matula Tea comes with a money-back guarantee. And because it is natural it works without the negative effects associated with other treatments! You can now rest assured that you can be free from H. pylori without any risk to your health – or to your finances*.
Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most have not heard about Matula Tea™ – probably the safest and most effective treatment for H. pylori. To date, 100% natural Matula Tea™ has been used successfully by over 55,000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.*
Our ‘OVER 98% SUCCESS RATE’ explained…
Since 2006 Matula Tea™ has proven to effectively clear H. pylori infections in 98.4% of people who have used it. This means that Matula Tea has been (and continues to be) 100% effective in 98.4% of people using just one 30-day course of treatment.
Over and above our money-back guarantee we offer a further guarantee. Our natural health team also guarantees all customers unlimited support with h. pylori and stomach ulcer-related issues until they have regained their good health.
Super-effective Matula Tea™ is a 100% natural formulation and is now recommended worldwide by doctors, alternative health practitioners. Matula Tea is also personally endorsed by leading digestive health experts.

Click here to see more testimonials
Sincerely grateful for your help!!!*
I spoke with you on the phone about 4 weeks ago. I’m the one who wasn’t sure if I took the tea properly because I had cereal at night sometimes before taking the tea. I thought I was going to need to re-take the 30-day course, but you encouraged me to go ahead and send in a stool sample to BioHealth Diagnostics (to who I had sent my first stool sample) to see if I really needed to repeat the course or not. Well, I did and the results thankfully came back negative for h.pylori!! I was so excited to get the news, and I told you I would let you know what happened so I hope you get this note!!! I am sincerely grateful for your help!!!*
Janet A Blenheim
USAThey were skeptical… I am delighted! *
I am delighted to say the result of my HpSA test was negative. I noticed while I was taking the Matula for the month of Dec/January that I did not wake up once in the night. *
I would love to know what that ingredient was that gave me such wonderful sleep. I usually wake up around 3-3/30 AM and can’t get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours. *
Some of my friends were very skeptical and some were downright scoffing. I am really enjoying telling them the results. Drinking the tea was certainly no problem at all and so much better than the dreaded antibiotics. *
Thank you again *
Rebecca A
NY, USAYour Matula Tea really worked… *
Four months ago, I contacted you regarding how to treat my H. pylori and Barret Esophagus. I want to thank you for your advice. *
I had the Stool antigen test 2 months ago and it was negative. Now I feel a big difference in my health. I have experienced a big relief with my stomach and health. *
Your Matula tea really worked. After I finished Matula, I complimented your therapy with Rhubarb root and goldenseal taken separately for a month twice a day. I had highly resistant bacteria. I truly believe this was a wonderful way of ending the treatment to get cured. I want to share it with you and express again my appreciation for your treatment and advice. *
I wish you lots of health and fulfillment in your life. *
Luis Alvarez
CanadaGreat information – thank you! *
I can’t thank you enough for all the information you have sent my way. It’s better than any office visit I ever had with a doctor. Your reports are easy to read and are extremely informative and helpful. The best part is that I can go back and read them again*
I chose your program, because I believe in natural healing, rather than using medication, which I feel does nothing but mask the problem. *
Along with healing gastric erosion/ulcers, I am also treating candida overgrowth, which I need to heal as well since most of my trouble started after being on antibiotics earlier this year. Thank You! *
Rose M.
United States
You saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life… *
In 2006, after suffering what he thought was heartburn and acid reflux for months and months, my husband Neil developed an extremely foul odor that seemed to come from deep inside his throat. What was most concerning to us was that it smelled like old or rotted blood. We were worried! We saw a Gastroenterologist who immediately ordered an endoscopy.*
We were told there was no cure….*
After the procedure, the doctor approached me with a very concerned look on his face. He showed me photographs of my husband’s esophagus – black spots and ulcers covered a large part of his esophagus. My heart was in my throat when the doctor said that my husband had Barret’s Disease, a pre-cancerous condition of the esophagus. He told us that there was no cure, but that Neil could treat the symptoms with medication and a modification of his diet; he went on to say that hopefully, that would keep cancer at bay, along with the array of symptoms he was suffering.*
…there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope…*
We filled the expensive prescription and my husband made peace with the idea of taking it for the rest of his life. I was not satisfied with that and decided to do a little research on what causes ulcers. I learned about the H-pylori virus and how it does not respond to antibiotic treatment. I was beginning to lose hope when there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope … a tea found only in Africa. *
….it seemed too good to be true….*
Wild and extraordinary claims were made about this tea and its miraculous results. At first, it seemed too good to be true. Drink this stuff called Matula tea two times a day and you kill the virus responsible for many of the problems Neil had, so, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, we decided to give it a try.*
…he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed…*
For one month Neil drank the tea religiously and ate a reasonable diet. It should be noted that during this “experiment” he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed – the Matula tea we ordered would be his only course of care*
The condition of Neil’s esophagus was so serious that at the time of his first endoscopy, the doctor ordered a follow-up endoscopy to determine whether Neil’s condition was getting worse and would require any kind of surgical intervention. We strategically scheduled the follow-up endoscopy so that it would take place within days of Neil’s completion of his “30-day Matula Tea Treatment.”*
It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it…*
Approximately six weeks later, and with a pronounced sense of worry, and a doom and gloom prognosis possibly hanging in the balance. Neil was sedated and taken in for his second endoscopy. It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it. I waited nervously, but this time I waited with a sense of hope and curiosity.*
Now…there was nothing to find!*
Within an hour, I was ushered back to see my groggy husband, soon after that, the doctor appeared. Dr. S. had a puzzled look on his face and was clearly a little bewildered and befuddled as he announced that when they went in to explore my husband’s throat and check on the status of the bleeding and ulcers – there was nothing to find! *
…esophagus as clean and new as the day he was born…*
He went on to say that, not only was there no sign of black spots, ulcers, or bleedings, but that Neil’s esophagus was as pink and healthy as a newborn baby’s. Yes, believe it or not, it was as clean and new as the day he was born! I gushed with pride, relief, and amazement. It was a miracle, and lucky for us, we had the photographs to prove it. We told the doctor about Matula Tea and since then, we tell everyone we know who complains about acid reflux, ulcers, or worse yet, Barret’s disease, that they need to give this tea a try and see what it will do for them.
…you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life..*
As for us, we are eternally grateful and want to send a deeply felt thank you to the good people who manufacture Matula Tea – you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life. We now do a Matula Tea cleanse once a year as maintenance, in order to kill off any of the virus that finds its way into our system through the food we eat and the polluted water we all drink.*
We’re enjoying good health and wonderful life, and we owe much of that to Matula Tea, so thank you again! *
Neil & Leea Winter
Dunedin, FL USAH. pylori was gone… in only one month! *
I am honored and excited to write to you today to inform you that your Matula Tea has, indeed, cured me of my H. pylori … in only one month! * It has allowed me to not have to utilize any conventional antibiotics which, as we both know, can be grossly detrimental to patients, like myself, that have a Candidiasis history. *
I must thank you most generously and deeply for your absolute dedication to the formulation of Matula Tea, and the sincere, keen, and professional support you have afforded me through the administering of the treatment. Your deep sincerity is becoming too rare these days. Please take this as a heartfelt accolade to you. *
Dorian G
Strategic Business ConsultantVery pleased with the good news…*
I went for an endoscopy on the 20th of March and was told that everything was OK and that there was no sign of the h pylori. I was very pleased with the good news So I would like to say a very big thank you to you and your “Matula Tea”, It’s a” Miracle Tea”.and would highly recommend it. Yours Gratefully And once again a big THANK YOU*
Maureen K
United Kingdom

*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.