Gastric Ulcers – all symptoms listed here
Plus we reveal 10 facts about treatments that they don’t tell you about…
Fortunately, the symptoms of gastric ulcers are fairly simple to identify. Gastric ulcers may be one of the more common types of ulcers, but they can lead to serious complications if not attended to properly.
To help you avoid disappointment, please check the ‘untold’ facts we reveal below – these are facts that most doctors just don’t have time to tell you about in an average consultation. We will also show you why treatment of gastric ulcers is not aimed at the ulcer itself or your symptoms, but rather in removing the root cause of the problem – this being an infection of h. pylori bacteria.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, then you may have a gastric ulcer. This list of symptoms is not definitive and should be used as a guide only. If you suspect you have a gastric ulcer you should see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
List of Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of gastric ulcers are almost opposite to the signs and symptoms of duodenal ulcers – the main differences are noticed in the timing and severity of the pain.
- Gastric ulcers generally cause a dull aching pain, often right after eating
- Light exercise can often cause an increase in pain
- Fatigue – heavy blood loss from a gastric ulcer may lead to anemia, which can in turn cause fatigue
- Indigestion and heartburn, or acid reflux
- Nagging pain in the upper abdomen area below your breastbone
- Episodes of nausea
- A noticeable loss of appetite
- Unplanned weight loss
- Another less common symptom of a gastric ulcer is that about 3 in every 10 people are woken up at night by dull ulcer pains – this usually happens 3- 4 hours after eating
What causes Gastric Ulcers?
80% of stomach ulcers are caused by infection with H. pylori. Therefore, a main part of the treatment is to clear this infection. If this infection is not cleared, the ulcer is likely to worsen.
In less than 20% of cases gastric ulcers can be caused by an anti-inflammatory medicine. Stopping the anti-inflammatory medicine usually allows the ulcer to heal. Your doctor may also prescribe an acid-suppressing medicine for several weeks to stop the stomach from making acid – which allows the ulcer to heal. But this comes at a cost! Click here to learn more.
The 10 Facts about Gastric Ulcers most doctors don’t tell you about…
- Most doctors simply have very few options when it comes to treating gastric ulcers caused by H. pylori infections. (Triple Therapy, or Quadruple Therapy is about all they have to offer)
- H. pylori is the main cause of ulcers and is becoming increasingly resistant to the most commonly used treatments
- Many patients have been on more than 4 courses of the same antibiotic treatment – and they still have gastric ulcers and H. pylori.
- 65% of patients infected with H. pylori are simultaneously infected with Candida Albicans, and they don’t even know about it!
- Most Doctors spend more time treating the side effects of the drugs they prescribed, than the time they spend treating gastric ulcers.
- Correct diagnosis of an H. pylori is critical, yet patients are literally throwing their money away on the conventional methods used for testing for H. pylori bacteria.
- The latest drugs being produced for the treatment of H. pylori are now being made more powerful in an attempt to be more effective – but the result is that the negative side effects are getting proportionately worse.
- The ONLY way to effectively ovecome stomach ulcers caused by an H. pylori infection, is to treat the cause.
- Each year nearly 6,000 people die of ulcer-related complications in the USA alone.
- There is a lot more you need to know about gastric ulcers and H. pylori!! The more you know, the quicker you will be able to decide what course of action will suit you best.
Not experiencing symptoms… but suspect internal bleeding?
Sometimes ulcers may produce no symptoms at all. You may be completely unaware that you have an ulcer until you have occasional painless bleeding episodes and anemia.

The passage of smelly black, tarry stools may be your first sign that you are suffering from a bleeding ulcer.
If your ulcer is already at an advanced stage then repeated episodes of bleeding can be identified. Vomiting new blood which is bright red in color, or older digested blood that is dark and grainy, are also sure symptoms of a gastric ulcer that has started bleeding.
A bleeding ulcer is a medical emergency! Don’t waste any time getting immediate treatment. If your gastric ulcer is bleeding, then you may vomit bright new red blood, or older digested blood that looks like brown coffee grounds and have black, tarry bowel movements.
Do you feel dizzy and faint at times?
If so, then you should check for the symptoms of a bleeding ulcer – if these are present then the dizziness and faintness will be due to a loss of blood. You should seek immediate treatment to stop the blood flow.
These symptoms will differ from person to person but many people do have periods of ulcer pain followed by pain-free periods that can last for several days or even months.
Are you experiencing intermittent, different types of pain?
Most people will try an over-the-counter antacid treatment if this is their first exposure to stomach ulcers. Fact is, antacids only offer temporary relief and end up doing more harm than good – so beware and avoid these!!
Sometimes ulcer pain can radiate to your back or to your chest – when this happens it is common for people to think they are having a heart attack. While this is not likely to be the case, this is a common symptom that should not be ignored – especially if you or your family has a history of heart problems.
You can EASILY avoid most of these problems…. yet most doctors won’t know about this….
You may be thinking right now that by having a gastric ulcer, you have a fairly severe health problem, but the reality is that this is no longer the case.
The good news is that a recent breakthrough in natural medicine now makes it possible for you to easily eliminate the cause of your gastric ulcer.
Have you have already had a bad experience with previous treatment for a gastric ulcer, or any other treatment for helicobacter pylori that failed? Or are you just fed up with treatments that haven’t worked, and you’re almost ready to give up your battle?
Don’t give up just yet – you can overcome gastric ulcers quite easily now!
No matter how bad your gastric ulcer is, you will need to get it treated, and obviously, you hope and trust that your treatment is going to work for you.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that even has the slightest chance of not working, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about the treatment you choose to treat your gastric ulcer with.
Everyone agrees that it makes sense to treat the cause, as opposed to treating the symptoms. And you want to be able to treat the cause as comfortably as possible, without having to endure weeks, and possibly months, of ongoing medication – and the inevitable negative side effects.
REMEMBER! The cause of nearly all stomach ulcers is H. pylori bacteria.
NO H. pylori means NO Ulcers!
Stomach ulcers caused by h .pylori will not just go away…
…you need to treat the H. pylori infection first
Stomach ulcers will not go away without using a treatment that will remove H. pylori first. This is the widely accepted method of treatment for ulcers caused by h. pylori infection.
H. pylori infections and stomach ulcers can get worse when left untreated – and when treatments fail!
So, your best course of action is to make sure you get a treatment that is guaranteed to work the first time around.
When your health is at stake you should not be taking any chances with treatments that do not work, or that don’t at least guarantee results. Click here or on the button below to see how to easily filter out treatments that probably won’t work for you.
It’s a fact that diets and supplements will not clear H. pylori – at best they may offer temporary relief of some symptoms. The most commonly prescribed treatments have high failure rates and only work for some people – if those people are able to cope with the harsh side effects. But! If you want to get better first time around, read on!
There is a safe and effective way to get rid of stomach ulcers and H. pylori without any further risk to your health – or your finances. Simply click on one of the buttons and see how…
*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.
Bibliography & References
These articles relate to the symptoms of all types of ulcers found in the gastrointestinal tract;
- Laine, L., Jensen, D. M. (2012). Management of patients with ulcer bleeding. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 107(3), 345-360.
- Tytgat, G. N. J. (1995). Role of Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 7(1), 79-85.
- Fischbach, W., & Malfertheiner, P. (2018). Helicobacter pylori infection and non-malignant diseases. Helicobacter, 23(Suppl 1), e12528.
- Chey, W. D., & Wong, B. C. (2007). American College of Gastroenterology guideline on the management of Helicobacter pylori infection. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 102(8), 1808-1825.
- Peterson, W. L. (1991). Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 324(15), 1043-1048.
- Thompson, A. B. R., & Barkun, A. N. (2005). Peptic ulcer disease: recurrence and long-term management. BMJ, 330(7491), 61-63.
- Sonnenberg, A. (2013). Review article: historic changes of Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 38(4), 329-342.
- Lanas, A., & Chan, F. K. (2017). Peptic ulcer disease. The Lancet, 390(10094), 613-624.
- Sleisenger, M. H., Fordtran, J. S., Feldman, M., & Scharschmidt, B. F. (1998). Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management. Saunders.
- Malfertheiner, P., Chan, F. K., & McColl, K. E. (2009). Peptic ulcer disease. The Lancet, 374(9699), 1449-1461.