The Story behind Matula Tea
The story begins with Doc Grouse – that’s just his nickname by the way! He is actually a very private person, and is not interested in being in the limelight, nor is he seeking any recognition for his efforts. His primary motivation is to help people like you regain good health safely and effectively. To respect his privacy, we will just refer to him by his nickname.
Doc Grouse immigrated to Africa from Europe in the mid-1970’s and his interest in medicinal plants soon turned from a hobby into his passion. Spending thousands of hours studying wild plants, he learnt how these medicinal plants have been used by generations of indigenous tribes, and how they combined certain plants to prepare completely natural remedies that would effectively treat an array of diseases and ailments that they faced in the wild.
Most people don’t know that many of the drugs we use today have their origins in natural compounds found in plants. Modern western medicine would not be around if it wasn’t for the ancient plant recipes which have been passed on from father to son through the generations, in some cases over thousands of years.
Doc Grouse firmly believes that “for every disease or illness, a natural solution can be found amongst the thousands of medicinal plants growing in various places in the world”.
A Pioneer on a Mission
Because of his pioneering spirit, Doc Grouse decided to concentrate only on new breakthrough discoveries, based on highly effective plant based remedies that would surpass the efficacy of drugs that had historically high failure rates. He insisted that before a remedy was made available for distribution, its efficacy and toxicity had to be thoroughly scientifically tested by competent institutions.
Matula Tea is an excellent example of Doc Grouse’s mission. There is nothing else like it – and there is nothing that is both as safe and effective on the market right now!
A Walk in the Mountains

In late 1999, on one of the many walks he took with two old traditional healers in one of several sub-Saharan mountain ranges, Doc Grouse noticed some interesting green bushy plants that he had not seen before. He asked the healers what they knew about these plants.
They explained in very simple terms that this particular plant was very effective for treating ‘stomach ailments’ when mixed with several other specific plants.
Later during other walks to even more difficult and almost inaccessible areas, Doc Grouse was shown the other plants used for these ‘stomach ailments’. As always, he carefully collected some samples and made notes of the healer’s various comments and explanations.
A Time to Start Helping Others
During the following few weeks, Doc Grouse finely chopped the plant samples and then dried them in the sun. He then ground all the premixed plant material in the exact ratios as instructed by the healers.
He was soon ready to test the first sample of the remedy on himself. He took a teaspoon of the mix and put it into a cup filled with boiling water and let it draw. Carefully and slowly he drank the tea.
These are his comments; “I wanted to see if the Tea was going to have any negative effects on me, before trying it on anyone else. I wasn’t really too worried, as I had noticed that the wild antelope loved these plants. I had also given some of the dry mixes to some of my farm goats and sheep and they ate it with relish, and without any subsequent negative side effects.” *
“As I expected, the Tea did not have any bad effect on me at all. I carried on drinking it every day for 4 weeks. Thereafter, I was confident enough to give the Tea to a few patients who had complained of abdominal pains. In every case, the pain and discomfort were gone in a short while.”
In the beginning – the first trials…..
A family member living in Europe told Doc Grouse that she was suffering from advanced-stage peptic ulcers. She had terrible pain and was constantly taking Antacid tablets and was only getting temporary relief.
Doc Grouse sent her a one-month supply of Matula Tea, which she started taking twice a day for the next month. Already after one week, she was feeling better, with most of the pain gone and at the end of the treatment period, she was completely symptom-free.
This all happened in 2005, and she has never been in need of taking the Tea again or taking any other ulcer medication.
Another family member heard of the successful treatment and was also treated with equally good results. Then some of their friends asked Doc Grouse to give them Matula Tea treatment and they were also cured after only one course of treatment.
A few months later, a businessman from Denmark paid Doc Grouse a visit. In conversation, he revealed that he suffered really badly from a stomach ulcer, which turned out to be a bleeding ulcer. Doc Grouse told him of his tests with Matula Tea and the good results and told him he was welcome to try the treatment. He readily accepted. As soon as he arrived back in Denmark he started his course of Matula Tea. After 4 weeks he phoned Doc Grouse and explained that there was no more bleeding and he had no more pain.
Over the following years, Doc Grouse harvested more of the plants, prepared the remedy, and gave it to many people. Even medical doctors whose patients were not responding to antibiotic treatments, have also given Matula Tea to their patients and always with the same positive results.
A Time to get Scientific Proof

Anxious to find out what was behind the effectiveness of this Tea, Doc Grouse decided to invest in some clinical tests at the University of Stellenbosch.
World-renowned authority and immunologist, Professor Patrick JD Bouic Ph.D. undertook to do the necessary tests.
The results were surprising, to say the least! They showed that Matula Tea was extremely effective in the treatment of H. pylori, the bacterium known to cause 80% – 90% of all stomach ulcers and 50% of all new stomach cancer cases.
Professor Bouic has since been kind enough to give Matula Tea his personal endorsement as well, which you can see by clicking here.
When we received the results of these tests, they were so good that we decided without hesitation to offer all our patients a 100% money-back guarantee. In fact, we could find no good reason NOT to offer a guarantee! In addition to this our Natural Health team guarantees free support to all customers until they are well again.
Where does Matula Tea come from?
Sub-Saharan Africa provides a wealth of fauna and flora with tens of thousands of plant species listed. Most of these plants are indigenous to this region and in many cases endemic to certain areas. Here’s the interesting bit – it has been established that several thousands of these plant species possess exceptional medicinal properties!
The indigenous tribes who populated this part of the continent for hundreds of years had to find and develop their own resources and remedies for treating diseases and illnesses.
In the days when there were no doctors…
There were no doctors just around the corner in those days. People lived off the land and by trial and error, they managed to develop an impressive number of natural treatments. A few of these people became traditional healers and utilized their knowledge by treating their neighbors and others in nearby settlements.
Over the ages, the recipes for these remedies were handed down from father to son, improving with each generation. During the colonial era, many of these treatments were adopted, and the knowledge was exported with the result that many of these treatments were copied and then synthesized into many modern-day medications. These traditional remedies are derived from plant materials such as leaves, stems, and flowers.
The plant material is normally chopped into smaller pieces and then dried in the sun till completely dry. In most cases, the mixture of herbs is then ground to a powder and often blended with other plant materials, before being dispensed to the patient.
Why a liquid Tea infusion, and not pills?
A herbal infusion is one of the finest forms of treatment simply because it is a liquid. Liquids have superior absorption of the active ingredients into the body and this improves the healing process. It is even more important to have a liquid treatment when the purpose of the treatment is to inhibit bacterium like H. pylori in the stomach. The reason for this is that a liquid covers a greater surface area of the stomach lining and saturates the bacteria in the liquid allowing enough time for it to be killed off.
If you can imagine a tablet or capsule sitting in one small area of your stomach lining slowly dissolving, it becomes quite obvious that it cannot be as effective. This explains why infusions and teas have been used as an important medium for effective treatment for many centuries already.
The Ingredients of Matula Tea
Matula Tea is comprised of a specific ratio of flowers, leaves, and stems from six different plant species, some male and some female.
Each of these plants is picked at different times during the four seasons of the year. Some are picked when budding, some when flowering, and others after seeding. Some plants can only be picked in the early morning, while others are picked in the late afternoon. The primary constituents of the formulation are a combination of finely ground dried flowers, stems, and leaves, taken from the following species;
- Oleaceae
- Asteraceae
- Alliaceae
- Fabaceae
- Myrtaceae
The Matula Tea formulation is comprised of premium quality, ALL NATURAL wild and non-GMO herbs, and is conveniently packed in sealed and protected sachets. 60 sachets are packed in a box and this is sufficient for a 30-day supply.
Matula Tea DOES NOT CONTAIN any traces of wheat, caffeine, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, sugar, colorings, or preservatives.
Preparing for your Matula Tea treatment
After you have been tested for the presence of H. pylori bacterial infection, you will want to use Matula Tea to clear the infection. As you can see, it is very easy to use.
- Matula Tea is to be taken twice per day – 1 cup in the morning & 1 cup at night.
- To make the tea, please place one sachet in a cup and pour 150ml/5 fluid ounces of boiling (preferably filtered) water over the sachet.
- 1/2 teaspoon of honey can be added for sweetness.
- Do not add sugar or milk.
- Let the tea draw and cool down for at least five minutes.
- In the morning – slowly sip the tea first thing in the morning and at least ½ an hour before breakfast
- At night – slowly sip the tea ½ hour before dinner, or at least 1 hour after dinner, and swirl the tea in your mouth before swallowing.
- Repeat this procedure every day for 30 days- till all the tea has been taken and the treatment course completed.
- Matula Tea is individually packed in sachets (2 gram/0.7 ounces) – each sachet is sealed in an airtight multi-layer foil envelope.
- 1 box of Matula Tea comprises 60 tea sachets – sufficient for a 30-day treatment for 1 person.
Sun Dried for maximum effectiveness
Prior to grinding and mixing, all plants have to be sun-dried for up to 2 weeks. This is a very important part of the 100% natural process – these plants cannot be dried in an oven. For some reason, the effectiveness of the herbs drops substantially when the natural process of drying is replaced by artificial means.
Harvesting by Hand
The harvesting of each of the 6 plants is seasonally linked to its botanical makeup, the mineral content of the soil, and the influence of climatic variations. Most of the growing areas are very difficult to access from the ground. In these areas, our highly experienced pickers have to be transported by private helicopter and spend several days at a time hand-picking strictly limited quantities of the medicinal plants and herbs we use in Matula Tea. Because these herbs are indigenous to this part of the world only, harvesting is strictly controlled. Over picking can quickly jeopardize future supply, or even cause the extinction of these species.
As a further precautionary measure, our pickers are paid according to the quality and freshness of their pickings, rather than the quantity they can pick.
*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.
Click here to see more testimonials
Sincerely grateful for your help!!!*
I spoke with you on the phone about 4 weeks ago. I’m the one who wasn’t sure if I took the tea properly because I had cereal at night sometimes before taking the tea. I thought I was going to need to re-take the 30-day course, but you encouraged me to go ahead and send in a stool sample to BioHealth Diagnostics (to who I had sent my first stool sample) to see if I really needed to repeat the course or not. Well, I did and the results thankfully came back negative for h.pylori!! I was so excited to get the news, and I told you I would let you know what happened so I hope you get this note!!! I am sincerely grateful for your help!!!*
Janet A Blenheim
USAThey were skeptical… I am delighted! *
I am delighted to say the result of my HpSA test was negative. I noticed while I was taking the Matula for the month of Dec/January that I did not wake up once in the night. *
I would love to know what that ingredient was that gave me such wonderful sleep. I usually wake up around 3-3/30 AM and can’t get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours. *
Some of my friends were very skeptical and some were downright scoffing. I am really enjoying telling them the results. Drinking the tea was certainly no problem at all and so much better than the dreaded antibiotics. *
Thank you again *
Rebecca A
NY, USAYour Matula Tea really worked… *
Four months ago, I contacted you regarding how to treat my H. pylori and Barret Esophagus. I want to thank you for your advice. *
I had the Stool antigen test 2 months ago and it was negative. Now I feel a big difference in my health. I have experienced a big relief with my stomach and health. *
Your Matula tea really worked. After I finished Matula, I complimented your therapy with Rhubarb root and goldenseal taken separately for a month twice a day. I had highly resistant bacteria. I truly believe this was a wonderful way of ending the treatment to get cured. I want to share it with you and express again my appreciation for your treatment and advice. *
I wish you lots of health and fulfillment in your life. *
Luis Alvarez
CanadaGreat information – thank you! *
I can’t thank you enough for all the information you have sent my way. It’s better than any office visit I ever had with a doctor. Your reports are easy to read and are extremely informative and helpful. The best part is that I can go back and read them again*
I chose your program, because I believe in natural healing, rather than using medication, which I feel does nothing but mask the problem. *
Along with healing gastric erosion/ulcers, I am also treating candida overgrowth, which I need to heal as well since most of my trouble started after being on antibiotics earlier this year. Thank You! *
Rose M.
United States
You saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life… *
In 2006, after suffering what he thought was heartburn and acid reflux for months and months, my husband Neil developed an extremely foul odor that seemed to come from deep inside his throat. What was most concerning to us was that it smelled like old or rotted blood. We were worried! We saw a Gastroenterologist who immediately ordered an endoscopy.*
We were told there was no cure….*
After the procedure, the doctor approached me with a very concerned look on his face. He showed me photographs of my husband’s esophagus – black spots and ulcers covered a large part of his esophagus. My heart was in my throat when the doctor said that my husband had Barret’s Disease, a pre-cancerous condition of the esophagus. He told us that there was no cure, but that Neil could treat the symptoms with medication and a modification of his diet; he went on to say that hopefully, that would keep cancer at bay, along with the array of symptoms he was suffering.*
…there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope…*
We filled the expensive prescription and my husband made peace with the idea of taking it for the rest of his life. I was not satisfied with that and decided to do a little research on what causes ulcers. I learned about the H-pylori virus and how it does not respond to antibiotic treatment. I was beginning to lose hope when there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope … a tea found only in Africa. *
….it seemed too good to be true….*
Wild and extraordinary claims were made about this tea and its miraculous results. At first, it seemed too good to be true. Drink this stuff called Matula tea two times a day and you kill the virus responsible for many of the problems Neil had, so, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, we decided to give it a try.*
…he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed…*
For one month Neil drank the tea religiously and ate a reasonable diet. It should be noted that during this “experiment” he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed – the Matula tea we ordered would be his only course of care*
The condition of Neil’s esophagus was so serious that at the time of his first endoscopy, the doctor ordered a follow-up endoscopy to determine whether Neil’s condition was getting worse and would require any kind of surgical intervention. We strategically scheduled the follow-up endoscopy so that it would take place within days of Neil’s completion of his “30-day Matula Tea Treatment.”*
It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it…*
Approximately six weeks later, and with a pronounced sense of worry, and a doom and gloom prognosis possibly hanging in the balance. Neil was sedated and taken in for his second endoscopy. It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it. I waited nervously, but this time I waited with a sense of hope and curiosity.*
Now…there was nothing to find!*
Within an hour, I was ushered back to see my groggy husband, soon after that, the doctor appeared. Dr. S. had a puzzled look on his face and was clearly a little bewildered and befuddled as he announced that when they went in to explore my husband’s throat and check on the status of the bleeding and ulcers – there was nothing to find! *
…esophagus as clean and new as the day he was born…*
He went on to say that, not only was there no sign of black spots, ulcers, or bleedings, but that Neil’s esophagus was as pink and healthy as a newborn baby’s. Yes, believe it or not, it was as clean and new as the day he was born! I gushed with pride, relief, and amazement. It was a miracle, and lucky for us, we had the photographs to prove it. We told the doctor about Matula Tea and since then, we tell everyone we know who complains about acid reflux, ulcers, or worse yet, Barret’s disease, that they need to give this tea a try and see what it will do for them.
…you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life..*
As for us, we are eternally grateful and want to send a deeply felt thank you to the good people who manufacture Matula Tea – you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life. We now do a Matula Tea cleanse once a year as maintenance, in order to kill off any of the virus that finds its way into our system through the food we eat and the polluted water we all drink.*
We’re enjoying good health and wonderful life, and we owe much of that to Matula Tea, so thank you again! *
Neil & Leea Winter
Dunedin, FL USAH. pylori was gone… in only one month! *
I am honored and excited to write to you today to inform you that your Matula Tea has, indeed, cured me of my H. pylori … in only one month! * It has allowed me to not have to utilize any conventional antibiotics which, as we both know, can be grossly detrimental to patients, like myself, that have a Candidiasis history. *
I must thank you most generously and deeply for your absolute dedication to the formulation of Matula Tea, and the sincere, keen, and professional support you have afforded me through the administering of the treatment. Your deep sincerity is becoming too rare these days. Please take this as a heartfelt accolade to you. *
Dorian G
Strategic Business ConsultantVery pleased with the good news…*
I went for an endoscopy on the 20th of March and was told that everything was OK and that there was no sign of the h pylori. I was very pleased with the good news So I would like to say a very big thank you to you and your “Matula Tea”, It’s a” Miracle Tea”.and would highly recommend it. Yours Gratefully And once again a big THANK YOU*
Maureen K
United Kingdom

*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.
Bibliography & References
These references provide an in-depth overview of how modern medicine continues to be profoundly influenced by natural sources, spanning historical developments, current trends, and future prospects in drug development;
- Moss, S.F., Shah, S.C., Tan, M.C. and El‐Serag, H.B. (2024). Evolving Concepts in Helicobacter pylori management. Gastroenterology, 116(2). doi:
- Atanasov, A. G., Waltenberger, B., Pferschy-Wenzig, E. M., Linder, T., Wawrosch, C., Uhrin, P., … & Stuppner, H. (2015). Discovery and resupply of pharmacologically active plant-derived natural products: A review. Biotechnology Advances, 33(8), 1582-1614.
- Harvey, A. L., Edrada-Ebel, R., & Quinn, R. J. (2015). The re-emergence of natural products for drug discovery in the genomics era. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 14(2), 111-129.
- Atanas G. Atanasov, Sergey B. Zotchev, Verena M. Dirsch, the International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce & Claudiu T. Supuran (2021) Natural products in drug discovery: advances and opportunities
- Cragg, G. M., & Newman, D. J. (2013). Natural products: a continuing source of novel drug leads. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – General Subjects, 1830(6), 3670-3695.
- Newman, D. J., & Cragg, G. M. (2016). Natural products as sources of new drugs from 1981 to 2014. Journal of Natural Products, 79(3), 629-661.
- Dias, D. A., Urban, S., & Roessner, U. (2012). A historical overview of natural products in drug discovery. Metabolites, 2(2), 303-336.