Methods of Treatment
These need to be considered as a medical emergency! It’s never too late to get treatment for bleeding ulcers. But remember that a bleeding ulcer at an advanced stage is a serious problem and requires immediate medical attention. Often a blood transfusion is required if there has already been a severe loss of blood.
If you are taking NSAIDs or aspirin then you should discontinue the use of these blood-thinning drugs immediately – unless of course, you have to take these drugs for any other life-threatening condition you may be suffering from.
The most effective and most commonly used treatment for bleeding ulcers is by a procedure called endoscopy. What is good about this procedure is that damaged and bleeding blood vessels can usually be detected visually, and repaired immediately.
The endoscope has a small heating device on the end that is used to heat-seal small wounds. Endoscopy is effective in controlling bleeding in 90% of patients. You may remain hospitalized for some days after an episode of bleeding.

Endoscopy, a three-fold procedure to stop bleeding
Firstly, the surgeon will maneuver the endoscope (basically a long plastic tube) via your mouth and throat, into your stomach.
Secondly, he then passes a probe down the center of the endoscope tube and uses electricity, heat, or even clips to stop the bleeding.
Thirdly, he then injects an adrenaline and fibrin glue into the ulcer to minimize the chance of bleeding starting again later.
If bleeding does re-occur, then a repeat endoscopy may be required. This is effective in controlling bleeding in about 70% of cases. In rare cases, when heavy bleeding occurs that cannot be stopped with an endoscopy, major abdominal surgery is then required.
Surgical Procedure
During surgery, any small bleeding vessel is tied up and the ulcer is stitched closed. This is the most effective way of treating a serious loss of blood that cannot be stemmed by other nonsurgical procedures. The follow-up treatment for bleeding ulcers will normally include;
Medication to treat H. pylori immediately after endoscopy. This is vital for patients suffering from this infection. Note that this is a good time to investigate using a clinically tested and guaranteed natural remedy – the last thing you want after a surgical procedure is to get pumped full of drugs with really bad side effects.
Proton-pump inhibitors are administered intravenously. They are often used after endoscopy or after surgery to prevent rebleeding.
Somatostatin (a hormone used to prevent bleeding in cirrhosis) is also useful for reducing persistent peptic ulcer bleeding or the risk of recurrence.
My Bleeding ulcer is gone… *
I have just finished my 27th day with the Matula tea treatment and I must say it is an amazing product. My stomach conditions have changed dramatically. First of all my bleeding ulcer is gone, I have no symptoms whatsoever. No more burning, stomach-churning and always feeling hungry. I do not have to eat 3 times a day and am able to eat a variety of foods. I am most grateful to you and your product. *
Dean B
USANo more pain or bleeding… *
Some four years ago, I was on a business trip to S. Africa – I had a bleeding ulcer, it was really bad at the time, with a lot of blood in the stool. I tried the Matula Tea and on my return to Denmark a couple of days later, I started the 30 days course. After the first week, I already felt a lot better and the pain was far less, after the second week the pain and the bleeding had completely stopped. I completed the course and up to this day, I have had no more pain or bleeding. Thank you and bless you. *
Mr J.G.N
Mors DenmarkBleeding ulcer, then doctor was amazed after Matula Tea treatment.. *
In September, last year I was hospitalized for two days with a bleeding ulcer. I was given antibiotics for a 6 weeks period. At the end of the period, the treatment was extended for a further 6 weeks. I then obtained a Matula treatment course from you. After the completion of the herbal tea course, I felt very much better and returned to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor was amazed, how well the ulcers had healed and said he could not even see traces of them. He said no further treatment was necessary. I am feeling very well now and not on any medication. Many thanks to you for helping me. Please send me another treatment course, which I will keep for “just in case”. *
Mr G.O
East LondonOR…