What to use? Natural remedies or drugs – or both?
The options for the treatment of ulcers caused by Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs (known as NSAIDs) are fairly straightforward. There are only three options you can choose from – natural remedies, or drug therapy, or a combination of both. Up to 15% of all peptic ulcers are caused by the prolonged use of NSAIDs.
Some examples of these drugs include Brufen, Aspirin, Tylenol, Cataflam, Voltaren, Advil, Motrin, and Nuprin. The most common ingredients of these drugs are ibuprofen and diclofenac acid.
Recent testing has shown that infection of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria is a major problem when mixed with prolonged usage of NSAIDs – this is because they can both cause ulcers. Unfortunately, if you already have H. pylori and you are taking NSAIDs, then your risk of stomach ulcers is at least 10 times greater than if you just took NSAIDs without having an H. pylori infection.
Getting rid of H. pylori before embarking on long-term treatment with NSAIDs will definitely help to reduce the risk of ulcers caused by NSAIDs later on. This means that if you’re going to be treated with NSAIDs you should consider treatment to get rid of the H. pylori first.
Of course, any drug treatment aimed at treating H. pylori is going to take 10 days to 2 weeks minimum. Because drug therapies do not have a great success rate to start with, this may result in re-treatment. So you may need to wait quite some time before starting your NSAID medication if you take that route. Fortunately, you won’t have to!
What to take, and when…
If you do not have an h. pylori infection and you have stopped your NSAIDs medication – then either histamine-2 receptor antagonists or proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) will effectively heal ulcers. Using a proton pump inhibitor for the treatment of these ulcers is usually faster.
If you are still taking NSAIDs – then switching to alternative pain relievers is a good start in preventing and healing these types of ulcers. The lowest possible doses of NSAIDs. should be used and a Proton pump inhibitor treatment (PPI) may also be prescribed. This is the most efficient treatment for you if you have to continue taking NSAIDs.
Preventing the ulcer from returning
This is an important part of the treatment of ulcers caused by NSAIDs. The last thing you want to do is to have to repeat the whole process. The key to success lies not only in reducing the risk of your ulcer flaring up again but also in avoiding future complications.
If you are an NSAID user and you are also taking low doses of aspirin will find that PPIs are fairly well tolerated by your system while you are taking them, and PPIs will prevent your ulcer from flaring up or rebleeding again at a later stage.
Another way of treating ulcers caused by NSAIDs is with the use of COX-2 inhibitors – these will also lower the risk of NSAID-related ulcers and complications. The only drawback here is if you are taking aspirin you will increase your risk of side effects, and reduce the safety of using this medication.
Taking Ulcer Medication and NSAID’s together?
The treatment of ulcers caused by NSAIDs is different from the treatment of other types of ulcers. It’s a two-step process. First comes the healing of the ulcer, then comes the important part – taking the right steps to prevent the ulcer from returning.
Healing the ulcer is the initial priority, and if you are also infected with Helicobacter Pylori then this has to be treated – we highly recommend going with a natural remedy here – one that is kind to the body and free of side effects.
Treating H. pylori is a crucial start to the treatment of ulcers caused by NSAIDs.
Are you ready to get rid of H. pylori safely – without any nasty side effects?
The proven cause of 80 – 90% of all types of stomach ulcers is H. pylori – a hardy bacteria which has become resistant to the most commonly prescribed treatments already.
We hope that you have already figured out why most doctors are not telling you all the facts about H. pylori treatments. We also hope that what you are about to discover here will help you to avoid taking any treatment that may not work for you.
Matula Tea™ is all you need… guaranteed!
The best news is that all-natural Matula Tea comes with a money-back guarantee. And because it is natural it works without the negative effects associated with other treatments! You can now rest assured that you can be free from H. pylori without any risk to your health – or to your finances*.
Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most have not heard about Matula Tea™ – probably the safest and most effective treatment for H. pylori. To date, 100% natural Matula Tea™ has been used successfully by over 55,000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.*
Our ‘OVER 98% SUCCESS RATE’ explained…
Since 2006 Matula Tea™ has proven to effectively clear H. pylori infections in 98.4% of people who have used it. This means that Matula Tea has been (and continues to be) 100% effective in 98.4% of people using just one 30-day course of treatment.
Over and above our money-back guarantee we offer a further guarantee. Our natural health team also guarantees all customers unlimited support with h. pylori and stomach ulcer-related issues until they have regained their good health.
Super-effective Matula Tea™ is a 100% natural formulation and is now recommended worldwide by doctors, alternative health practitioners. Matula Tea is also personally endorsed by leading digestive health experts.

Click here to see more testimonials
Sincerely grateful for your help!!!*
I spoke with you on the phone about 4 weeks ago. I’m the one who wasn’t sure if I took the tea properly because I had cereal at night sometimes before taking the tea. I thought I was going to need to re-take the 30-day course, but you encouraged me to go ahead and send in a stool sample to BioHealth Diagnostics (to who I had sent my first stool sample) to see if I really needed to repeat the course or not. Well, I did and the results thankfully came back negative for h.pylori!! I was so excited to get the news, and I told you I would let you know what happened so I hope you get this note!!! I am sincerely grateful for your help!!!*
Janet A Blenheim
USAThey were skeptical… I am delighted! *
I am delighted to say the result of my HpSA test was negative. I noticed while I was taking the Matula for the month of Dec/January that I did not wake up once in the night. *
I would love to know what that ingredient was that gave me such wonderful sleep. I usually wake up around 3-3/30 AM and can’t get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours. *
Some of my friends were very skeptical and some were downright scoffing. I am really enjoying telling them the results. Drinking the tea was certainly no problem at all and so much better than the dreaded antibiotics. *
Thank you again *
Rebecca A
NY, USAYour Matula Tea really worked… *
Four months ago, I contacted you regarding how to treat my H. pylori and Barret Esophagus. I want to thank you for your advice. *
I had the Stool antigen test 2 months ago and it was negative. Now I feel a big difference in my health. I have experienced a big relief with my stomach and health. *
Your Matula tea really worked. After I finished Matula, I complimented your therapy with Rhubarb root and goldenseal taken separately for a month twice a day. I had highly resistant bacteria. I truly believe this was a wonderful way of ending the treatment to get cured. I want to share it with you and express again my appreciation for your treatment and advice. *
I wish you lots of health and fulfillment in your life. *
Luis Alvarez
CanadaGreat information – thank you! *
I can’t thank you enough for all the information you have sent my way. It’s better than any office visit I ever had with a doctor. Your reports are easy to read and are extremely informative and helpful. The best part is that I can go back and read them again*
I chose your program, because I believe in natural healing, rather than using medication, which I feel does nothing but mask the problem. *
Along with healing gastric erosion/ulcers, I am also treating candida overgrowth, which I need to heal as well since most of my trouble started after being on antibiotics earlier this year. Thank You! *
Rose M.
United States
You saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life… *
In 2006, after suffering what he thought was heartburn and acid reflux for months and months, my husband Neil developed an extremely foul odor that seemed to come from deep inside his throat. What was most concerning to us was that it smelled like old or rotted blood. We were worried! We saw a Gastroenterologist who immediately ordered an endoscopy.*
We were told there was no cure….*
After the procedure, the doctor approached me with a very concerned look on his face. He showed me photographs of my husband’s esophagus – black spots and ulcers covered a large part of his esophagus. My heart was in my throat when the doctor said that my husband had Barret’s Disease, a pre-cancerous condition of the esophagus. He told us that there was no cure, but that Neil could treat the symptoms with medication and a modification of his diet; he went on to say that hopefully, that would keep cancer at bay, along with the array of symptoms he was suffering.*
…there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope…*
We filled the expensive prescription and my husband made peace with the idea of taking it for the rest of his life. I was not satisfied with that and decided to do a little research on what causes ulcers. I learned about the H-pylori virus and how it does not respond to antibiotic treatment. I was beginning to lose hope when there suddenly appeared a glimmer of hope … a tea found only in Africa. *
….it seemed too good to be true….*
Wild and extraordinary claims were made about this tea and its miraculous results. At first, it seemed too good to be true. Drink this stuff called Matula tea two times a day and you kill the virus responsible for many of the problems Neil had, so, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, we decided to give it a try.*
…he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed…*
For one month Neil drank the tea religiously and ate a reasonable diet. It should be noted that during this “experiment” he decided not to take the medication he had been prescribed – the Matula tea we ordered would be his only course of care*
The condition of Neil’s esophagus was so serious that at the time of his first endoscopy, the doctor ordered a follow-up endoscopy to determine whether Neil’s condition was getting worse and would require any kind of surgical intervention. We strategically scheduled the follow-up endoscopy so that it would take place within days of Neil’s completion of his “30-day Matula Tea Treatment.”*
It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it…*
Approximately six weeks later, and with a pronounced sense of worry, and a doom and gloom prognosis possibly hanging in the balance. Neil was sedated and taken in for his second endoscopy. It had been just weeks since his first procedure revealed a black esophagus with ulcers eating away at it. I waited nervously, but this time I waited with a sense of hope and curiosity.*
Now…there was nothing to find!*
Within an hour, I was ushered back to see my groggy husband, soon after that, the doctor appeared. Dr. S. had a puzzled look on his face and was clearly a little bewildered and befuddled as he announced that when they went in to explore my husband’s throat and check on the status of the bleeding and ulcers – there was nothing to find! *
…esophagus as clean and new as the day he was born…*
He went on to say that, not only was there no sign of black spots, ulcers, or bleedings, but that Neil’s esophagus was as pink and healthy as a newborn baby’s. Yes, believe it or not, it was as clean and new as the day he was born! I gushed with pride, relief, and amazement. It was a miracle, and lucky for us, we had the photographs to prove it. We told the doctor about Matula Tea and since then, we tell everyone we know who complains about acid reflux, ulcers, or worse yet, Barret’s disease, that they need to give this tea a try and see what it will do for them.
…you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life..*
As for us, we are eternally grateful and want to send a deeply felt thank you to the good people who manufacture Matula Tea – you saved my husband’s health, and indeed his life. We now do a Matula Tea cleanse once a year as maintenance, in order to kill off any of the virus that finds its way into our system through the food we eat and the polluted water we all drink.*
We’re enjoying good health and wonderful life, and we owe much of that to Matula Tea, so thank you again! *
Neil & Leea Winter
Dunedin, FL USAH. pylori was gone… in only one month! *
I am honored and excited to write to you today to inform you that your Matula Tea has, indeed, cured me of my H. pylori … in only one month! * It has allowed me to not have to utilize any conventional antibiotics which, as we both know, can be grossly detrimental to patients, like myself, that have a Candidiasis history. *
I must thank you most generously and deeply for your absolute dedication to the formulation of Matula Tea, and the sincere, keen, and professional support you have afforded me through the administering of the treatment. Your deep sincerity is becoming too rare these days. Please take this as a heartfelt accolade to you. *
Dorian G
Strategic Business ConsultantVery pleased with the good news…*
I went for an endoscopy on the 20th of March and was told that everything was OK and that there was no sign of the h pylori. I was very pleased with the good news So I would like to say a very big thank you to you and your “Matula Tea”, It’s a” Miracle Tea”.and would highly recommend it. Yours Gratefully And once again a big THANK YOU*
Maureen K
United Kingdom

*Information Disclaimer: Please note that we cannot guarantee specific results as quoted in testimonials, or in any general claims made. Results are individual and can vary from person to person. For more information on our Money-Back Guarantee please click here.